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  • 1. Coral reefs are made up of __________ skeleton.
    O C Y R K
    2. Name given to the tiny animals in a coral reef ecosystem.
    A L O R C
    3. This marine animal live is the coral reef.
    O N C H C
    4. The coral reef is a home for this animal.
    P O N S E G
    5. The coral reef is a home for this animal.
    R A S S T H F I
    6. Coral reefs provide ________ from storms.
    T O E I T N C O R P
    7. Coral reefs do this to waves before they reach the shore.
    U B R K P - E A
    8. On which island is the third largest barrier coral reef in the world found?
    S A O N D R
    9. Coral reefs are important for ____.
    O F D O