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John is a librarian in an image library . It´s his responsibility to maintain and organize all the transparencies which the library hires out . He ____________________ ____________________ make sure they are all filed correctly and are in perfect condition . When the transparencies come back from a client they ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ checked closely for any damage and sometimes they need to be cleaned . He should also make regular checks os the library files to see that the slides ____________________ been put in the wrong category but he doesn´t do this as much as he ____________________ because it´s a very painstaking and tedious job that he would rather avoid .
John is of course grateful that he ____________________ a nine to five job where he ____________________ ____________________ to work at weekends or do night - shifts but he thinks there are still plenty of things he can complain about ! For example he often has to work late but his boss won´t pay him overtime because she says he has adequate time in the day to finish off his tasks if he works efficiently . But because invariably the researchers don´t finish using the library until the end of the day and his boss says the library ____________________ always be left perfectly tidy before it is closed for the night , he usually has to stay late tidying up ! Sometimes if he´s very tired he will put a great pile of slides that ____________________ be sorted out into the pile for checking for damage so he can leave them for the next day . Of course he knows he ____________________ do this but he does it anyway !
John has a great passion for photography and so he likes working in the library because he gets to see hundreds of great professional images but sometimes he finds it frustrating . For instance , it is often deemed that slides are getting out of date and ____________________ be got rid of and J would like to be able to keep them for himself , but of course because of copyright issues he´s not allowed to . He can take the catalogue home if he wants but that´s not quite the same !
One day John would like to leave this rather boring job and get paid to be a professional photographer , but on the other hand , then he would ____________________ ____________________ take the risk of having no work while he built up experience and contacts and also he would very likely ____________________ ____________________ work around the clock if he wanted to be successful . He often tells himself he musn´t let himself get stuck in a rut and force himself to move on but it´s too easy to stay in his stress - less relatively responsibility free job . Maybe he ____________________ ____________________ started in the library at all ! .