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How did you ____________________ to set Bod ? s story in , of all ____________________ , a graveyard ?
Twenty - three and a half years ago I was living in Sussex in a very , ____________________ narrow house . It was ____________________ , thin and practically every room was on a ____________________ floor . I had an 18 - month - old son and he had a little ____________________ . You can ? t really let an 18 - month - old with a tricycle ride around in a house with all these stairs because he would just go tumbling down . We didn ? t have a ____________________ , either . But just across the lane we had a country graveyard . I would take my son and his tricycle down all the stairs and across the lane where he would go tricycling around the graveyard very ____________________ . And I would sit on the steps outside watching him in the graveyard . One day I thought , I could do something just like The Jungle Book !

Why The Jungle Book ?

In The Jungle Book , Mowgli is abandoned in the jungle and ____________________ by animals and taught the things that animals know . I thought , ? I could have a boy abandoned in a graveyard who is taught the things that whoever ____________________ in the graveyard knows ! ?