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1 . ____________________ ( can / would ) everyone hear me ? If not , I ____________________ ( might want to / could ) turn up the sound .
2 . The sound's not on ? The microphone ____________________ ( must / had better ) be turned off . ____________________ ( would / must ) someone check it for me ? Thanks .
3 . Now , everyone ____________________ ____________________ ( might want to / ought to ) have a handout by now . If you didn't get one , you ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( might want to / would ) share with the person next to you .
4 . So , ____________________ ( would / can ) I ask a question ? How many of you ____________________ ( had better / can ) pay all your bills online ?
5 . Well , it's 11 : 30 , so we ? d ____________________ ( 'd better / would ) stop here . The next group ____________________ ( might / won't ) be waiting for the room . Thank you for coming .