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1 . The Internet helps with fact - ____________________ , but the facts are often inaccurate or untrue .
2 . Children under 13 don't have ____________________ to the pool .
3 . China and India are two case ____________________ that Mary used to talk about globalisation .
4 . Tom is ____________________ and always speaks his mind in class .
5 . He ____________________ thought to reserve a table in this restaureant , otherwise they wouldn't be able to find one .
6 . The neighbour's dog barks ____________________ and it drives me crazy .
7 . Elderly people ____________________ stay at home and do not go out much .
8 . Our dog is neither very smart ____________________ very friendly , But we love him very much .
9 . The farmer installed an electric fence to ____________________ the cows would not escape .
10 . Drinking a lot of water is ____________________ for the body .
11 . More and ____________________ teenagers nowadays start smoking at an early age .
12 . The children are ____________________ to go on vacation next week .
13 . My sister doesn't like to ____________________ long relationships , that is why she is always single .