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Another ____________________ hangs ____________________
Child is ____________________ taken
And the ____________________ , caused such ____________________
Who are we ____________________ ?

But you ____________________ , it's not ____________________
It's not my ____________________
In your head , in your head , they are ____________________
With their ____________________ , and their ____________________
And their ____________________ , and their ____________________
In your head , in your head they are ____________________

In your ____________________ , in your head
Zombie , zombie , zombie - ie - ie
____________________ in your ____________________ , in your head
Zombie , zombie , zombie - ie - ie , oh

Another ____________________ ____________________
Heart is ____________________ over
When the ____________________ causes ____________________
We ____________________ be ____________________

It's the ____________________ old ____________________
Since nineteen - ____________________
In your head , in your head , they're still ____________________
With their ____________________ , and their ____________________
And their ____________________ , and their ____________________
In your head , in your head , they are ____________________

In your ____________________ , in your head
Zombie , zombie , zombie - ie - ie
____________________ in your ____________________ , in your head
Zombie , zombie , zombie - ie - i e