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There was ____________________ an ____________________ . He painted ____________________ for a ____________________ . He ____________________ a large ____________________ of money and was very ____________________ . The secret of his ____________________ was simple . He didn't ____________________ people as they ____________________ ____________________ . He painted them as they ____________________ to look . The ____________________ men , he painted a little ____________________ . The ____________________ women , he painted a little ____________________ . So , people were always ____________________ . And the painter ____________________ had lots of ____________________ . One day , an unusual customer visited the painter's ____________________ . He was the ugliest man the ____________________ had ever ____________________ . His face was ____________________ in dark ____________________ . He had ____________________ eyes and ____________________ , long dark teeth . He wanted a portrait of ____________________ . The man paid his ____________________ and sat ____________________ . An hour later , the portrait was ____________________ . The artist ____________________ turned it ____________________ for his customer . The man was ____________________ . The portrait looked nothing like ____________________ . He ____________________ his money back . Just then , the artist's cleaning ____________________ came in . She ____________________ at the portrait and said how ____________________ the man looked in it . " Yes , thank ____________________ " , said the man ____________________ with a smile . " It's a ____________________ likeness " . He took his ____________________ under ____________________ arm and left .