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Lisa : Marie hurry up or the skirts are going to ____________________ ____________________ ! There weren't many left .

Marie : Wait a second ! You're going too fast .

Shop Assistant : Good morning . Can I ____________________ you ____________________ with something ?

Lisa : Yes , please ! We're looking for the Sailor Moon's Edition skirts .

Shop assistant : Of course ! Come this way , please .

Marie : Here , Lisa ! ____________________ this one ____________________ ! The dressing room is over there .

Lisa : Oh , I love it ! Let me ____________________ ____________________ my jeans first . OMG It's perfect ! Let's go and ____________________ ____________________ it before I spend all of my money .

Marie : Oh , okay , but are you sure you want to buy the skirt here ? We can ____________________ ____________________ another store quickly or ____________________ ____________________ for a bit to find more options .

Lisa : No , it's fine . I adore this one . Hurry ! We still have to ____________________ ____________________ . Look at the line !

Marie : Alright , alright . But don't run like that !

Lisa : I'm so excited to ____________________ it ____________________ for the party , let's go !