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1 . The system resource settings assigned to a particular device is ____________________ ____________________ .
2 . The process to systematically manage , organize , and control the changes in the documents , codes , and other entities during the Software Development Life Cycle is ____________________ ____________________ .
3 . HW and SW configuration have ____________________ functions and abilities .
4 . ____________________ configuration allows you to define I / O ( input / output ) configurations to both the software and hardware from a single , interactive surface .
5 . ____________________ devices have particular configuration settings that can impact your system ? s overall functionality and performance .
6 . Some ____________________ ____________________ include accessible memory , connected devices and disc drivers .
7 . ____________________ mainly deals with hundreds of lines of ____________________ to implement a certain process .
8 . Some ____________________ ____________________ to consider are ____________________ more ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and newer graphics card .