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1 . Conjunctions tell us ____________________ an action will ____________________ and ____________________ what condition .
2 . Conjunctions have to be used in the ____________________ tense , even though we are refering to a ____________________ action .
3 . We use the conjunction " once " to refer to : ____________________
4 . We use the conjunction " in order for " to refer to : ____________________
5 . We use the conjunction " as soon as " to refer to : ____________________
6 . The conjunction " once " can be replaced with the word : ____________________
7 . The conjunction in the following sentence is refering to : ____________________
" In order for my mom to let me go out with you , you have to talk with her "
8 . The conjunction in the following sentence is refering to : ____________________
" The teacher said we will go out once that we all finish the exam "