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Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. Plato

You are the sunshine of my life

CREATIVITY essential feature of learning.

Affective filter hypothesis

"Play is our brain's favourite way of learning"

Didactic principles (in terms of games) FUNCTIONS

Noam Chomsky Stephen Krashen Howard Gardner

GAMES and CREATIVITY in common...

COUNTING, ACTION, TRADITIONAL ROUND, NURSERY RHYMES ( counting, lullabies, riddles, tongue twisters), JAZZ CHANTS

Like a prayer

Multiple intelligences theory

The sounds of silence


STEPS to use songs in FLL

Breaking Benjamin

She'll be coming round the mountains when she comes// Kumbaya// Yellow Submarine// birthday// The caterpillar

Communicaton, activity, individualisation, socialisation, globalisation, creativity, inclusive education.

In contrast to behaviourist app ->sentences generated from learner's competence. //Input hypothesis //Multiple intelligences theory

It's expressed in terms of imagination, open-mindednes & selfconfidence. (Entails a disposition/ an aptitude)

Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought. E.Y. Harburg 1896-1981

1 familiarise 2 mime, clap 3 read lyrics 4 follow up activities.

Spontaneous and free activities, an end in themselves, educational value, (elements: imagination, originality, expression)

Stevie Wonder (metaphor)

Home (story the wizard of Oz)

Krashen's monitor model

Howard Gardner 1963

Diane Ackerman

Simon & Garfunkel (personification)

Madonna (similes)

Ten little Indiands// if you're happy, Rock Scissors, Paper// Old Mcdonald// Are you sleeping brother John// ten little fingers,// twinkle twingkle, little star//...// Peter Piper