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A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which members of a society interact in terms of their culture.

Communication involves dialogue, exchange, interaction, and cooperative construction.

All communication process should always be an attempt to relate, to share with others.

Functionalist: raised the study of comm from questions - who says what,through which channel, to whom and with what effect? Sender controls message and distribution

Language is a purely human and non instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols.

Mathematical theory: empasis on contents, passive receiver, no direct feedback, behaviourism, lineal, vertical, authoritarian, unidirectional...

Learning an activity that interacts with the help of digital media. AIM: create capable of critical analysis, reflecting on the current Knowledge Society. Empashis on process (not effects) Teacher= facilitator of the analysis and critical reflection. Stds= active analytical, critical and creative p o v

Defining what we understand by language and its culture will mean to say what kind of society we want to live in.

Teaching does not consist of transferring knowledge, but rather of creating the possibilities for production and construction.

Elements of communication: code, channel, sender, receiver, message, context.

5 subcompetences: grammatical, discursive, sociolinguistic, strategic, sociocultural.

The term communication means fellowship, something to share, something to live together. Perspectives of communication: act to transmit info (active sender, passive receiver), act of exchange(EMIREC-EMIREC)

Non -verbal communication: the communication that takes place without words.

Semiotic theory: two way model, concept of coding and decoding. Main purpose is to persuade, control and manipulate the receiver's behaviour. False democracy, feedback confused with participation.

6 language functions: referential, expressive, conative, phatic, poetic, metalinguistic. (topic 16)

4 aspects of CC : systematic potential, occurrence, feasibility, appropiacy. Utter grammatically correct forms and rules of use.

Canale and Swain

Trager 1949

Shannon and Weaver

Eco Kaplun 1988 Aparici 2010


Connectivist T. George Siemens, 2010 Aparici 2012

Sapir 1921

Kaplun 1998/2002

Kaplun 1998


Lasswell 1948


Dell Hymes

Wolton 2006


Aparici 2003