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11 . At issue among the delegates at the ____________________ Continental Congress was / were the ____________________ and ____________________ of British subjects .

12 . The First Continental Congress delegates were primarily concerned about redressing ____________________ ____________________ .

13 . The British government MOST frequently responded to the ____________________ submitted by the colonists by arguing that despite their ____________________ , colonists were ____________________ represented in ____________________ .

14 . Under the Articles of Confederation Congress lacked the power to levy ____________________ or regulate ____________________ commerce .

15 . Under the ____________________ of ____________________ , Congress was able to establish national ____________________ over the trans - Appalachian ____________________ .

16 . Ultimate ____________________ under the Articles of Confederation resided with the ____________________ .

17 . The policy toward ____________________ ____________________ pursued by the Confederation Congress involved Congress demanding and receiving surrenders of large amounts of land north of the ____________________ River and in the ____________________ .

18 . Congressional leaders in the 1780s shared their ____________________ predecessors ? fears that frontier settlers would ____________________ constantly with ____________________ ____________________ .

19 . The MOST positive accomplishment of national government under the Articles of Confederation was establishing a ____________________ for the orderly ____________________ of ____________________ territory .

20 . James Madison felt a ____________________ was a more efficient way for the new United States to organize itself rather than a ____________________ ____________________ because he believed the United States would soon become too large to make a ____________________ ____________________ workable .

22 . The series of editorials came to be known as The Federalist Papers because they were designed to gain ____________________ for the ____________________ of the newly written ____________________ .