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Tapirs can be found in Sumatra , Malaysia and Central and South America . There are four types of tapirs . They are ( a ) ____________________ Malayan tapir , Baird's tapir , Lowland tapir ( or ) ____________________ Mountain tapir . All these species except the Lowland tapirs are in the ( endanger ) ____________________ list . Tapirs usually weigh ( from ) ____________________ 227 kg and 318 kg . The smallest species is the Mountain tapir ( however ) ____________________ the largest one is the Malayan tapir . Tapirs are herbivores . They use ( theirs ) ____________________ snouts to grab leaves on branches , find aquatic plants in water and pick up fruits ( in ) ____________________ the ground . Though they can stay under water ( at ) ____________________ a few minutes , they will use their snouts as snorkels to hide under water when they ( sensing ) ____________________ danger . Tapirs like to spend time ( under ) ____________________ the water . It not only cools their body but it also helps remove parasites .