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My name is Camila . Last summer , I ____________________ in the United States . The vogage by plane ____________________ long and tiring , and the plane ticket ____________________ quite expensive . It took me 10 hours to get to New York airport .
My friend Katie ____________________ there waiting for me . I ____________________ surprised by the size of the JFK airport . It ____________________ huge , and there ____________________ many people . I ____________________ glad my friend ____________________ there , otherwise I would probably get lost .
A few minutes later , we ____________________ at the cab . It ____________________ a typical NY cab , big and yellow .
We ____________________ in the cab for an hour . There ____________________ poor , run down neighborhoods , and rich luxurious ones . The center city ____________________ fantastic . There ____________________ huge skycrapers , and big roundabouts . The largest and busiest roundabout ____________________ the famous Colubus Circle . There ____________________ also an enormous traffic jam .
We went to Katy`s appartement to leave the luggage .