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I waited a long time . Dad didn't come back !
A boy came to talk to me . " Hi , I'm Kahotep . MY mother ____________________ this ____________________ , " he said in English . " Are you ok ? "

" Two men were following my father . Now , Dad is not here , " I said . " Maybe they took him away . "

" I can help you , " said Kahotep . " First , let's ask people about your father . "

" Yes , I saw two men with an American , " said an old man . " They were talking about the tomb of ____________________ . They looked angry . "

" Let's go look for your father ! " said Kahotep . " We can go on my ____________________ . " The camel sat on the ground and we climbed on . Then the camel stood up . We were so high !
" I have a bad feeling about those men , " said Kahotep . " They want to find the ____________________ of Thoth to steal something . They took your father to help them . "

We rode into the ____________________ . After a long time , we stopped to rest . I saw a blue stone in the shape of a ____________________ on the ground . I picked it up .