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1 . It is estimated that ____________________ of all the species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct .
2 . ____________________ of people can ? t have a ten - minute conversation without lying .
3 . Only ____________________ of people manage to keep their New Year ? s resolutions .
4 . Between 43% and ____________________ of pilots have admitted to falling asleep while flying .
5 . A couple can exchange ____________________ million germs during a ten - second kissing session .
6 . Left - handed people earn ____________________ less than their right - handed people .
7 . ____________________ of songs on Spotify have received zero plays .
8 . ____________________ people die annually from being hit by champagne corks , usually in the face at weddings , but just an average of ____________________ die from shark attacks .
9 . Scientists have learned that more children are born on Thursday ( ____________________ . 8% ) , followed by Monday ( 11% ) .
10 . When they ? re home , ____________________ percent of Americans speak a language other than English .
11 . ____________________ people die each year from being hit on the head by a coconut .
12 . There are ____________________ ways to make change for a dollar .
13 . The most children born to one woman was ____________________ , she lived a 40 year life , in which she had ____________________ twins , 7 triplets , and 4 quadruplets .