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1 . Listen to 3 dialogs , complete it with the words given .

a . Everything is so ____________________ these days !
b . I know ! I came in here for a few things and I don ? t have enough to ____________________ for all of them .
Can you lend me five pounds ?
a . Sorry , I can ? t .
b . What ? Are you broke again ?
a . No , it ? s just ?
b . Well , then get your ____________________ out then .
a . I can ? t I left it at home .
b . oh ?
Conversation 2 .
a . What do you think of this bookends Carol ?
b . They ? re very nice , my sister has the same ____________________ .
a . I may get them for my ____________________ .
b . Good idea .
a . Let me see ? No , they ? re too ____________________ .
b . I ? ll ____________________ them for you .

a . But I don ? t know when I can ____________________ you back .
b . Forget about it , it ? s your birthday soon anyway .
a . Thanks Carol !
Conversation 3 .
a . Paul , what did you ____________________ from the supermarket ?
b . Whatever was on the list and a few magazines .
a . How ____________________ did you spend ?
b . I ? m not sure , why ?
a . I was just wondering .
b . Wait ! I think I still have the ____________________ in my pocket .
a . Ok
b . No , it ? s not there , but look ! ____________________ euros !
I didn ? t know I have that !
a . I love it when that happens .