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The Stroop effect refers to a delay in ____________________ times between congruent and incongruent stimuli . The ____________________ , or agreement , occurs when the meaning of a word and its font color are the same . For example , if the word ? green ? is printed in the color ____________________ . ____________________ stimuli is just the opposite . That is , the meaning of the word and the color in which it is written do not align . For example , the word ? green ? might be printed in ____________________ ink .
The Stroop task asks individuals to name the color of the word , instead of reading the word itself .
The ____________________ in reaction time reveals that it is much ____________________ to name the color of a word when the word itself spells another color ( the incongruent ____________________ ) than it is to name the color of the word when the word itself spells that same color ( the ____________________ stimuli ) .