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Last year I ____________________ ( fly ) to Greece to visit my sister who lives on a beautiful island . The flight ____________________ ( take ) three hours but it only ____________________ ( cost ) me twenty pounds as it was a special deal on the Internet . My sister ____________________ ( meet ) us at the airport and we ____________________ ( drive ) to her house near the beach .

Every day we ____________________ ( sunbathe ) and ____________________ ( swim ) on the beautiful deserted beach . We ____________________ ( spend ) the evenings chatting in her garden while we ____________________ ( eat ) seafood and ____________________ ( drink ) the delicious local white wine .

One day I ____________________ ( swim ) out to a small island . When I ____________________ ( come ) back to the beach I ____________________ ( feel ) tired so I went to sleep . Once , while I was half asleep I ____________________ ( think ) I ____________________ ( hear ) someone moving nearby but I ____________________ ( can't ) see anyone . I ____________________ ( wake ) up an hour later and guess what ? I couldn't find my clothes anywhere . Someone had stolen them ! My watch was gone too , and my purse . But I had only ____________________ ( bring ) a few dollars for drinks and snacks so I didn't lose much . I ____________________ ( run ) to the village , which fortunately was just up the road , and ____________________ ( buy ) a towel at a beach shop to dry myself . Then I ____________________ ( go ) back to my sister's house .

The experiece ____________________ ( teach ) me to take more care of my things .