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Guy Fawkes Night is a ____________________ British celebration . It celebrates a failed attempt to ____________________ up the Houses of Parliament ( that's where Big Ben is ) in London . This was probably one of the first examples of ____________________ , only it didn't work . It all happened on November the fifth , 1605 . A ____________________ of Catholics who were unhappy with their Protestant rulers wanted to ____________________ the government down . Their leader was a man called Guy Fawkes and his ____________________ was called the Gunpowder Plot . Fortunately , some passers - by saw Guy Fawkes and his ____________________ with the gunpowder . Guy Fawkes was arrested . He was put on a bonfire and burned to ____________________ . In Britain and former British colonies , this day is also called Bonfire Night .

Bonfire Night is perhaps the ____________________ outdoor celebration in Britain . Unfortunately , it is in winter and takes place at ____________________ . You have to brave the cold , but it is a happy ____________________ . Every town and village puts on a fireworks display . There is usually a large bonfire in the ____________________ of the town . People gather at it to watch the fireworks and eat ____________________ Guy Fawkes Night food . Baked potatoes and toffee apples are the most popular ____________________ . There is usually a mock guy on the bonfire to represent the real one that died 400 years ago . Many families have smaller celebrations and will have their own , ____________________ fireworks display in their garden . There are many warnings to be careful because every year , children are ____________________ in fireworks accidents .