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Headers and footers are most commonly used to insert ____________________ numbers into a document , but you can use headers and footers to insert all types of ____________________ information . For example , you could include information like the current ____________________ and time and ____________________ name , or you could insert your last ____________________ and document title at the top of each page , which is required by some style guides . In addition , header and footer content can be changed using section ____________________ .

The ____________________ is a section of the document that appears in the top ____________________ . The ____________________ is a section of the document that appears in the ____________________ margin .

Use the ____________________ First Page option to apply a header and footer to the ____________________ page of the document that is different from what occurs in the rest of the document . If more than one page needs to include a different header or footer , insert a ____________________ break and then break the link between the two sections ( using the ____________________ to ____________________ button ) .

Inserting a ____________________ ____________________ section break starts a new section on the next page . Inserting a ____________________ section break starts a new section on the ____________________ page .

Section breaks are useful for when you want to ____________________ part ( s ) of your document differently than the rest of the document . Header and footer information , multiple column layouts , page ____________________ , margin settings , vertical alignment , and ____________________ are just some of the formatting options you can use .