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A : Good morning , AVANTICA company . How ____________________ I ____________________ you ?
B : Thanks . May I ____________________ to Mr . Robles ?
A : Could you ____________________ that again , please ?
B : yes , May I speak to Mr . Robles , ____________________ ?
A : Oh , Mr . Robles is not ____________________ right now . But I can help you if you ____________________ .
B : yes , I need to ____________________ that he still wants us to use the company´s carousel and the infinite scroll in the ____________________ .
A : Can I ____________________ him your message , and call you ____________________ ?
B : sure , my ____________________ is 8890 - 234
A : ____________________ again ?
B : it's 8890 - 234
A : Thanks . I'll ____________________ him and ____________________ you back asap .
B : great
A : ____________________ for your help .
B : you're welcome . ____________________ a nice day !