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A flea feeds on the blood of your dog . The flea is ____________________ and your dog is ____________________ . This is an example of ____________________ .

In the tropical regions of Africa , the crocodile lies with its mouth open . The plover flies into its mouth and feeds on bits of decaying meat stuck in the crocodile's teeth . The crocodile does not eat the plover . In this relationship , the crocodile is ____________________ and the plover is ____________________ . This is an example of ____________________ .

Remora fish are very bony and have a dorsal fin ( the fin on the back of fish ) that acts like a suction cup . Remora fish use this fin to attach themselves to whales , sharks , or rays and eat the scraps their hosts leave behind . In this relationship , the Remora fish is ____________________ while the whale / shark is ____________________ . This is an example of ____________________ .

In Columbia , there is a particular tarantula that lets a frog live in its burrow ! The frog eats all the ants that come in and try to eat the tarantula's eggs . . . and the frog doesn't have to worry about being eaten by any predators . . In this relationship , the frog is ____________________ and the tarantula is ____________________ . This is an example of ____________________ .

Humans have many symbiotic relationships as well . Humans have more bacteria and other microbes in their gut than their own cells ! These microbes eat and break down some of the food that is eaten and release many vitamins The microbes are ____________________ and humans are ____________________ . This is an example of ____________________ .

I don't know about you . . . but mosquitos LOVE me . In fact , I think my blood is one of their favorite meals . I can always tell when I have been dinner because I itch like crazy . I'm just lucky they have never made me sick . In this relationship , I am ____________________ and the mosquito is ____________________ . This is an example of ____________________ .

The egret is a species of heron that moves along with cattle or horses . Sometimes it can be seen on the back of the animal . The birds feed on insects hiding in vegetation , which get stirred when the animals feed . When the birds are not working alongside the animal , they hop on the back for a ride . They are light birds and do not limit the movement of the host . In the relationship , the heron is ____________________ and the cattle are ____________________ . This is an example of ____________________ .

We even have a symbiotic relationship with our pets ! They get food , shelter , and visits to the vet and we get companionship and loyalty . Our pets are ____________________ and we are ____________________ . This is another example of ____________________ .