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1 . If you come late again , we will have to ____________________ $20 from your wages .
2 . My salary is $2500 ____________________ a month , but after tax and National Insurance ____________________ , I receive $1850 .
3 . The work is challenging and the hours are long , but the company is offering a very attractive pay ____________________ .
4 . We pay $15 an hour , but you get ____________________ time for working at the weekend and on public holidays .
5 . I think there's been a mistake on my ____________________ : it says I've received $850 this month , but I only got $750 .
6 . There are currently 137 people on the company's ____________________ .
7 . Each year you will automatically receive a pay ____________________ which is ____________________ - linked to rises in the cost of living .
8 . Wages are usually paid in ____________________ at the end of each month , but if you need some money before then , we can give you an ____________________ .