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The Zoo

Last Wednesday we ____________________ to visit the zoo . We ____________________ next morning after we ____________________ breakfast , checked in our passes and entered . We ____________________ toward the first exhibits . I ____________________ up at a giraffe as it stared back at me . I ____________________ nervously to the next area . One of the lions ____________________ at me as he rested in the shade while the others take a nap . One of my friends first ____________________ then banged on the tempered glass in front of the monkey's cage . They howled and screamed at us as we hurried to another exhibit where we ____________________ and gawked at plumed birds . After we ____________________ , we headed for the petting zoo where we petted wooly sheep that only glanced at us but the goats hit each other and nipped our clothes when we ____________________ too near their closed pen . Later , our tired group nudged their way through the crowded paths and exited the turnstile gate . Our car ____________________ , jerked and swayed as we dozed during the relaxed ride home .