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What is Islam?

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Informational passage about Islam.

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What is Islam?Versión en línea

Informational passage about Islam.

por Remei Gomez Gracia

is the most popular religion in the world with over a thousand million followers .
Islam is mainly followed in the , , and the north of .
The prophet ( peace be upon him ) , who was born in A . D . at , is often regarded as the founder of Islam . He was the prophet to be sent by Allah . However the first prophet was .
The Arabic word 'Islam' means and , and derives from a word meaning .
The Muslim scripture is the Holy . Muslims believe it is 'the word of God' . Muslim beliefs and practices are rooted in the Qur'an .
The Muslim building for communal worship is called a . There are no or in a mosque . They are decorated with and from the ? an .
Muslims are required to :
? pray times a day ( prayer times are fixed by the sun and change daily ) ,
? themselves before prayer and
? face in the direction of ( Mekkah ) while praying .
Ramadan is the month of the Islamic calendar , and a time when Muslims across the world will ( do not eat ) during the hours of daylight .

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