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1 . We went ____________________ holiday and it was ____________________ but only one week was really ____________________ short ! 2 . I don't know what I should do ! It is so boring ! Let's ____________________ ____________________ Munich ! That's 60 km ____________________ from here ! 3 . What are you doing with ____________________ the fish ? I make a fish soup . Baah ! ! 4 . When I was a kid I played ____________________ the streets ____________________ Landshut , Bavaria . 5 . We stayed ____________________ the ____________________ near the mountain and lived in a big tent . 6 . Madrid is the capital of ____________________ and Vienna is the capital of ____________________ . 7 . Do you know the capital of ____________________ ? No , but I think its Ankara or Istambul . 8 . I want to buy a little ____________________ for ____________________ . It's his 7th birthday and he likes flying things . 9 . Mike can't find his friends in this store . Perhaps they are in a ____________________ one . 10 . When it is really hot , I go to the ____________________ ____________________ and jump ____________________ the fresh water ! Splash !