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hello, my name is karla, I am twenty-one years old, at this moment I'm in the city of Barranqulla studying medicine and I'm in the eighth semester of this race, the truth seems very difficult because there is a lot of responsibility that you have in terms of practices to deal with people with a health problem but I am happy because I have two weeks to finish the semester and I return to my hometown which is pasture Nariño and eat chicken broaster that is my favorite food and enter to a soccer club that is my favorite sport to go with my only sister that I have since it is a year younger than me and play together. also be able to go for a walk with my parents.
hello, my name is karla, I am twenty-one years old, at this moment I'm in the city of Barranqulla studying medicine and I'm in the eighth semester of this race, the truth seems very difficult because there is a lot of responsibility that you have in terms of practices to deal with people with a health problem but I am happy because I have two weeks to finish the semester and I return to my hometown which is pasture Nariño and eat chicken broaster that is my favorite food and enter to a soccer club that is my favorite sport to go with my only sister that I have since it is a year younger than me and play together. also be able to go for a walk with my parents.
Edad recomendada: 15 años
5 veces realizada

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