Sus actividades

  • Adivinanza

    Guess which


    In "Guess which", students will guess the animal described on the riddle. This can be played individually, or in groups, depending on the amount of players.

  • Adivinanza

    Guess which


    In "Guess which, students will guess the animal described on the riddle. This can be played individually, or in groups, depending on the amount of players.

  • Adivinanza

    Guess which


    In "Guess which", students will guess the animal described on the riddle. This can be played individually, or in groups, depending on the amount of players.

  • Adivinanza

    Guess which


    In "Guess which, students will guess the animal described on the riddle. This can be played individually, or in groups, depending on the amount of players.

  • Adivinanza

    Guess which


    In "Guess which", students will get to guess which animal we talk about on the riddles. Clues may be given by teacher, if the level of the students is too basic, or the riddle is too complicated. Stud...