Sus actividades

  • Test

    Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.

  • Test

    Look at the following sentences and check if it containg an adjective or an adverb.

  • Test



    for each sentence add the best conjuntion

  • Test

    Listen to each sentence of this conversation and choose the correct answer the images could help you Dialogue is a great way for students to see how new vocabulary is used in real-life situations....

  • Ordenar Palabras


    Ordenar Palabras

    Put the words in order.

  • Sopa de letras


    Sopa de letras

    Find the conjunctions.

  • Completar texto


    Completar texto

    Complete the next text using AND, BUT and OR.

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Common Nouns

    Relacionar Columnas

    Match each image according to its correct form "a / an" before these common nouns. Remember that "a" is used with words that begin with consonants and "an" is used when words begin with vowels.

  • Sopa de letras

    Common Nouns

    Sopa de letras

    Write "a/a" before these common nouns. Remember that “ a” is used with words that begin with consonants and “ an” is used when words begin with vowels.

  • Completar texto

    Common Nouns

    Completar texto

    Turn into negative and interrogative the following sentences

  • Completar texto

    Common Nouns

    Completar texto

    Write "a/a" before these common nouns. Remember that “ a” is used with words that begin with consonants and “ an” is used when words begin with vowels.

  • Dictado



    Write each adjective you hear.

  • Relacionar Columnas


    Relacionar Columnas

    Put the adjective in the sentence that corresponds to it

  • Completar texto


    Completar texto

    Complete the sentence with the correct adverb

  • Adivinanza



    Listen to the track and write the adverbs you hear separated by commas. example: fast-highy-nearly

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Action Verbs

    Relacionar Columnas

    Identifies and relates each image according to its action.

  • Rosco de Palabras


    Rosco de Palabras

    Look or listen the definition and write the correct adjective. it must being with the letter that it indicate.

  • Video Quiz

    Music # 2

    Video Quiz

    Listen carefully to the song. Choose the word and place it in the appropriate sentence.

  • Dictado



    Listen to each sentence and write it correctly.

  • Completar texto

    Possesives Pronouns

    Completar texto

    Listen to the sentences. Write the words you hear.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences #8

    Ordenar Palabras

    Listen to each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences # 7

    Ordenar Palabras

    Listen to each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences #6

    Ordenar Palabras

    Listen to each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences #5

    Ordenar Palabras

    Listen to each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences #4

    Ordenar Palabras

    Listen to each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences #3

    Ordenar Palabras

    Each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences #2

    Ordenar Palabras

    Each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form.

  • Video Quiz


    Video Quiz

    Identify the verbs you can hear then write in the missing words. The images may help.

  • Test

    Identification and choice of the correct possessive pronouns Then choose 3 sentences and share your answers in class. By doing this, students will learn the correct use of pronouns and their pronuncia...

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Sentences #1

    Ordenar Palabras

    Each sentence and identify the possessive pronoun and order the sentences in their correct form

  • Completar texto

    Dialogue Personal Pronouns

    Completar texto

    Complete and listen to the dialogue with the correct personal pronouns

  • Diálogo

    Listen to the dialogue and practice pronunciation. you can choose a role from the dialogue.

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Pronouns SIngular and Plural

    Relacionar Columnas

    Develop the following match and identify its correct answer if it is singular and plural.

  • Completar texto

    personal pronouns

    Completar texto

    Complete the sentences with correct pronouns in each sentence

  • Relacionar Columnas

    The Colors

    Relacionar Columnas

    En este juego se debe de relacionar una imagen y buscar su nombre correcto en ingles , solo tienes 2 intentos para fallar