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Factors affect respiratory rate
To help the student to know the factors that affect the respiratory rate
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Rationale of Radial and Apical steps
To help the students to know the reason behind the procedure's steps
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Heart Rate
To help the students to know more about the pulse; rate, rhythm, and volume.
Ruleta de Palabras
Respiratory Rate
To help the student to know the basic information about the respiratory rate
To help the students to know how to measure the temperature orally.
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Rational behind the steps of measuring the oral temperature using the mercury glass.
To help the student to know why he's following these steps to measure the temperature orally by mercury glass.
Ruleta de Palabras
Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions
To help the student to memorize and write the Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions
Relacionar Columnas
Triage in Emergency Nursing
To help the students to know more about the triage concept
Test your knowledge on the correct practices for using an ear thermometer! Answer ✅ for correct statements and ❌ for incorrect ones based on the provided instructions for proper ear thermometer usage.
Ruleta de Palabras
Sites for measuring body temperature 2
To help the students to know about the sites for measuring body temperature
Sí o No
Radial and Apical pulse
To help the students to know more about the steps of counting the radial and apical pulses
To help the students to know more about identify the problems, analyze the data, and prioritize the problems.
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Nursing care plan: Nursing diagnosis
To help the student to know more about nursing diagnosis
To help the student to identify the problems, analyze the data, and prioritize the problems.
Factors affect the body temperature
To help the students to know about the factors affect the body temperature
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Prefix Respiratory System
To help the students to know more about the medical prefixes regarding the respiratory system.
Ruleta de Palabras
Nursing care plan: Nursing diagnosis 2
To help the student to know more about nursing diagnosis
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Simple and core structure for digestive system
To help the students to know more about the simple and core structure for digestive system
Factors affect the body temperature 1
Explore the factors influencing human body heat in this engaging crossword puzzle.
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Respiratory system simple structure
To help the student to know the simple structure of respiratory system
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Cardiovascular System Structure
To help the students to know the role of every structure simply
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Ranges of body temperature 2
To help the students to know about the ranges of body temperature
Medical terms related to respiratory
To help the students to know more about the breathing patterns
To help the students to know more about the digestive system simple and core structure
Ruleta de Palabras
Cardiovascular System Structure 2
To help the student to know how to type the cardiovascular structure
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Nursing Interventions
To help the students to know more about the nursing interventions
Froggy Jumps
Types of Nursing Interventions
To help the students to know more about the three types of nursing interventions
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Ranges of body temperature
To help the students to know the ranges of body temperature
Ruleta de Palabras
Respiratory system simple structure
To help the students to know about respiratory system simple structure
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Short- term and Long-term Goals
To help the student to know about the appropriate formulation of Short- term and Long-term Goals
To help the student to know more about the abnormal heart rate best intervention
Ruleta de Palabras
Ranges of body temperature 3
To help the students to know more about the ranges of body temperature
To help the students to knw more about the appropriate interventions
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Common Nursing Problems
To help the student to know more about the common nursing problems
Ruleta de Palabras
Types of thermometers 2
Guess the temperature measurement terms based on specific definitions!
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Sites for measuring body temperature
To help the students to know about the body temperature sites
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Rational behind the steps of measuring the Axillary temperature
To help the students to know the rational behind the steps of measuring axillary temperature
Ruleta de Palabras
Triage in Emergency Nursing
Guess the words related to emergency medical care based on their definitions.
Froggy Jumps
Suffix Respiratory 1
To know more about the most common suffix regarding respiratory system
To help the students to know more about the common root words regarding respiratory system
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Respiratory system root word 4
To help the students to know more about the common root words regarding respiratory system
Ruleta de Palabras
Suffix Respiratory 3
To help the students to know more about the most common suffixes regarding respiratory system.
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Prefix Respiratory System
To help the students to know more about the medical prefixes regarding the respiratory system.
Ordenar Letras
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 6
To help the student to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
Ruleta de Palabras
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 2
To help the students to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
Sí o No
Suffix Respiratory 2
To help the students to know more about the common suffix related to respiratory system
Ruleta de Palabras
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 7
To help the students to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
Ordenar Palabras
Nursing Etiology
To help the student to know about the most common nursing etiology
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Common terms regarding Respiratory System 3
To help the student to know more about the respiratory system common medical terms
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 5
To help the students to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
Ruleta de Palabras
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 12
To help the students to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
Completar frases
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 13
To help the students to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
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Head to toe
To help the student to know the normal sequence of head to toe assessment
Froggy Jumps
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 1
To know about the respiratory system medical terms
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Common terms regarding Respiratory System 4
To help the students to know about the common terms regarding respiratory system
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Common terms regarding Respiratory System 9
To help the student to know about the most common terms regarding respiratory system
Secondary survey (AMPLE)
To help the student to know how they can conduct an interview for secondary survey
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Root words regarding respiratory system 1
To help the students to know more about the medical terminology regarding respiratory system
Ordenar Letras
Non-urgent or Minimal (Green) conditions
To help the student to spell the Non-urgent or Minimal (Green) conditions accurately
Mapa Interactivo
Respiratory system medical terminology
To know the medical terminology terms regarding respiratory system structure
Completar frases
Urgent or Delayed (Yellow) conditions
To help the students to know the signs and symptoms of Urgent or Delayed (Yellow) conditions
Ruleta de Palabras
Urgent or Delayed (Yellow) conditions
To help the student to know the Urgent or Delayed (Yellow) conditions:
Froggy Jumps
The structure of large intestine/ colon
To help the students to know about the structure of the large intestine/ colon
Completar frases
Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions and scenarios.
To motivate the students to be more familiar with Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions and scenarios.
Ordenar Letras
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 10
To help the students to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 11
To help the students to know more about common terms regarding respiratory system
Ordenar Letras
Urgent or Delayed (Yellow) conditions:
To help the student to spell and write the Urgent or Delayed (Yellow) conditions accurately.
Completar frases
Non-urgent or Minimal (Green) conditions
To help the student to know the Non-urgent or Minimal (Green) conditions
Ordenar Letras
Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions
To help the student to write the Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions accurately.
Ruleta de Palabras
Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions
To help the student to memorize and write the Immediate or Resuscitation (Red) Conditions
Froggy Jumps
Common terms regarding Respiratory System 8
To help the students to know more about the common terms regarding respiratory system
Completar frases
Respiratory system root word 5
To help the students to know more about the common root words regarding respiratory system.
Respiratory system root word 3
To help the students to know more about the common root words regarding respiratory system
To help the students to know more about the common root words regarding respiratory system
Ruleta de Palabras
Non-urgent or Minimal (Green) condition
To help the students to know about the most common non-urgent or Minimal (Green) conditions
Relacionar Columnas
Factors affects the heart rate
to help the students to know more about the factors that affect the heart rate
To know more about the most common root words regarding respiratory system
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Rectal temperature 2
To help the students to know the rationale behind each step
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The rationale behind each step of counting RR
To help the students to know more about the RR counting.
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Medical Terminology Suffix 1
To know about the most common medical terminology suffixes
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Medical Terminology Root Words 2
To know more about the most common Medical Terminology Root Words
Completar frases
Medical Terminology Root Words
To know more about the most common Medical terminology Root words.
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Medical Terminology prefix 5
To know about the common medical terminology prefixes
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Medical Terminology prefix 4
To know the common and the basic medical terminology prefixes
Ordenar Palabras
Medical Terminology prefix 2
Test your word skills with this prefix-themed unscramble game!
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Medical Terminology Prefix
Test your knowledge of medical prefixes with this fun matching pairs game!
Froggy Jumps
Medical Terminology Root Words 3
To know more about the most common medical terminology root words
Froggy Jumps
Breathing Exercises Quiz
Test your knowledge about breathing exercises with this quiz game!