El/La Los/Las
Relacionar Columnasmatch the noun with the appropriate article
Word Scramble: gender nouns & articles
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the sentences using proper noun and article genders
Gender of nouns & articles in Spanish
Crucigramacrossword: translate nouns & articles
Regular verb conjugations
Crucigramacrossword puzzle -- test your conjugations!
Partes del Cuerpo
Sopa de letrasbody parts word search
Find the Pattern!!
Froggy JumpsTest your pattern recognition skills with these 2nd grade level questions!
Pronouns & Regular Verb Conjugations
Completar frasesFill in the Blanks game about pronouns and regular verb conjugations in Spanish.
Regular Verbs in Spanish
Froggy Jumpsreview your conjugations!!
Pronombres Personales
Relacionar ColumnasJuego de memoria para aprender los pronombres personales en español.
Crucigrama de los días de la semana
CrucigramaEncuentra las palabras relacionadas con los días de la semana en este crucigrama temático.