Wā kai
Froggy JumpsPātai o te wā kai
Pictures year 3
Mapa InteractivoPictures year 3
Body parts
Mapa InteractivoBody parts year 1
Days of week crossword
Crucigramapangakupu crossword days of the week
Match up the days of the week
te he and ngā - year one - froggy jump game
Froggy Jumpste he and ngā - year one froggy jump
Answer the question based off the picture - year 3
using te ngā and he
Relacionar Columnasmatch up the correct phrases
ngā tae/colours
Presentaciónyear one colours - listen to the recording and then answer the question
asking about family
Testfamily - whose your mum and dad and parents
Where are you from and what is your name
Completar frasesYear one what is your name and where are you from
Weather quiz year 1
TestChoose the correct answer
day of week in te reo leap frog game - year 1
Froggy JumpsLeap frog days of week game
Basic commands year 1
Memorymatch up the commands
WORD FIND - ECE resources year 1
Sopa de letrasFind the ECE resource words
Matching ECE resources - year 1
Relacionar Columnasmatch the correct words
Answer these questions to select correct answer
Whakamihi Whakamārama
Sí o NoHe pēhea te whakamahi i ngā kupu whakamihi i te reo Māori?
Crossword puzzle year 1
CrucigramaCheck out your knowledge in this basic crossword
DictadoA great way to practice the spelling of these kupu for your progressions.
Te reo Māori wero/challenge
Froggy JumpsChallenge yourself by attempting to answer these pātai
Command Match
Relacionar ColumnasTest your knowledge of commands with this matching pairs game!