
Sus juegos

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  • Sí o No

    Check your grammar: true or false – past simple Are these sentences True or False?

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    4 Learning styles

    We absorb and apply new concepts, skills and information in different ways at different times.

  • Sí o No

    Is the fact correct? indicate yes or no

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas


    Match the idiom with the correct phrase

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Idioms (D)

    This activity is about Idioms

  • Froggy Jumps
    Froggy Jumps

    Inverted Conditionals

    Decide which option is the correct way to invert the underlined if-clauses.

  • Completar frases
    Completar frases

    Since and for

    Identify which word fis better the senteces

  • Froggy Jumps
    Froggy Jumps

    Word focus: Cast

    Read the sentences and with the context given choose the best option.

  • Ordenar Palabras
    Ordenar Palabras

    Modal verbs past

    Choose the correct the order of the word

  • Completar frases
    Completar frases

    Modal verbs past form

    Read each situation and choose the correct order of the missing words.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Modal verbs for past

    Read each sentence and identify what is the function that the modal verb has.