Wonderland A UNit 9
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters in the right order
Choose the right answer
Quick Quiz Unit 2 ( SpeakOut A2)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Go Getter 1 Unit 1.1 Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters in the right order
Academy Stars 1 Unit 3
Vocabulary Wonderland B Unit 11
Froggy JumpsChoose the right word for the picture
Quick Quiz Unit 1 ( SpeakOut A2)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
SpeakOut A2 1B Сommon verb phrases
Relacionar ColumnasFind the right pair
Quick Test Unit 8 (SpeakOut Starters)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Insects. Wonderland B Unit 4
CrucigramaSolve the crossword.
Quick Test Unit 7 (SpeakOut Starters)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right option.
SpeakOut Starters Quick Test Unit 6
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Sport. Wider World 1 Unit 6
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the right word for each letter
House. Furniture
Ruleta de PalabrasSay the right word
Quick Test Unit 5 (SpeakOut Starters)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Collective Nouns
Relacionar ColumnasMatch
Collective Nouns
Completar frasesChoose the right collective noun
Quick Test Unit 4 (SpeakOut Starters)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Phrasal Verbs
Completar frasesChoose the right preposition
Find pairs
Wond B Voc Jobs
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters in the right order
Wond B Jobs
MemoryFind the right picture
Wonderland A Unit 2 Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters in the right order
Grammar 2 Academy Stars Unit 9
Sí o NoLook. Circle the correct answer to the questions.
N24 Infinitiv mit zu oder ohne zu (Billina Wortschatz Grammatik)
Relacionar ColumnasFinden Sie die richtige Endung.
N24 Infinitiv mit zu oder ohne zu (Billina Wortschatz Grammatik)
Completar frasesErgänzen Sie zu, wenn es nötig ist.
Sport Activities. Shuffle. Wonderland B Unit 9
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters in the correct order
Type the right words
Quick Test Unit 3 (SpeakOut Starters)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Ex. 2 Academy Stars 2 Grammar 1
Completar frasesLook at the picture in your book. Write are some or aren't any.
Ex. 1 Academy Stars 2 Grammar 1
Sí o NoLook and read. Choose Yes or No.
Room Words (Revise) Prepare 1 Unit 3
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters in the right order
Review 4 EX. 4 (Prepare 1)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right ending
Vocabulary Unit 8 (Wonderland B)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right word
Prepare 3 Present Perfect Past Simple (Fill in)
Completar frasesFill in the time expressions
Prepare 3 Present Perfect Past Simple
Completar frasesChoose the right time expression
Find pairs
Quick Quiz Unit 2 ( SpeakOut 1)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Progress Test Unit 7-9 EX 4.2(Wonderland A)
Froggy JumpsChoose in/on/under.
Progress Test Unit 7-9 EX 4(Wonderland A)
Ordenar LetrasWhat are these? Put the letters in the correct order.
Progress Test Unit 7-9 EX 3(Wonderland A)
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the right order
Academy Stars 1 End of year test ex 4
Relacionar ColumnasRead and match.
Look, read and say Yes or No.
Academy Stars1 end of year test 1
Froggy JumpsLook and read. Choose in, on, under, next to
Ex. 3A (Wh-questions) (SpeakOut 1)
Froggy JumpsComplete the questions for the sentences in Ex 2D. Write Who, What, Where or How.
How to Unit 2C (SpeakOut)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrases
Can Action Verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sounds and pictures
People. SpeakOut Starters
Relacionar ColumnasMatch
Alphabet Words. Academy Stars 1
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
Bedroom. Wonderland A (Words)
Ordenar LetrasPut the letter in the correct order
Bedroom. Wonderland A
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
UNIT 1 QUICK QUIZ | Version A (SpeakOut 3d Edition)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer.
Find the pair
Alphabet Words (Wonderland A)
Froggy JumpsChoose the right word to answer the question.