Interaction phrases
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the phrases
Flags and Countries
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the flags and the countries
MemoryMatch the pictures and the words
DictadoListen and write the words
Flags and Countries
MemoryFind the countries and flags
Social interactions
DictadoStarting interactions
Touristic Interactions
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pairs related to touristic interaction
Sopa de letrasFind the clothes
Sopa de letrasFind the colors
Clothes - Writing
TestLook and write the clothes
Cooking Vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind the words related to cooking
Question Words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the questions and the answers.
Cooking Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the vocabulary with the pictures.
Interaction phrases
Froggy JumpsChoose the alternative
Froggy JumpsListen and choose the correct alternative
Relacionar GruposGroup the words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the means of transportation.
MemoryFind the cards
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures and the feelings
Means of Transportation
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Location of flags
Mapa InteractivoLocate the countries
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Parts of the house
Mapa InteractivoListen and point.
Parts of the house
Relacionar ColumnasParts of the house
The Bedroom
Mapa InteractivoListen and match
Prepositions of Time
Relacionar GruposClassify the words according to the prepositions of time
Seasons and Temperature
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the pictures
Weather forecast
Mapa InteractivoPoint the weather for each day
Family members
Mapa InteractivoIdentify the family members.
Meeting people
DiálogoRead about Kay and Harper first meeting.
Countries and Nationalities
Relacionar GruposClassify into countries or nationalities
TestChoose the correct color
Prepositions of time - In On At
Completar frasesComplete the sentences.
Find the pairs.
Family members
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the family members
Froggy Jumpschoose the correct
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
TestChoose the correct color
Adverbs of Frequency
Completar frasesComplete the sentences with words from the box
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the pictures
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Parts of the face
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Body parts - listen
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Body Parts - Listen
Mapa InteractivoListen and point
Daily Routines - Listen
Relacionar ColumnasListen and match the pictures
Affirmative sentences - Simple Present
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the descriptions with the pictures
Read and select the correct alternative
Picture actions - Verbs
Mapa InteractivoRead the description to mark the correct picture.
Affirmative - Simple Present
Completar frasesWrite the sentences in the correct order
Endemic Animals - JF
Relacionar ColumnasListen and match the endemic animals.
Find the endemic animals from the Juan Fernández Archipelago
Sea Animals Cards - Listen
Mapa InteractivoListen and click on the marker
Simple Present form (3rd person)
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct form of the verbs, using Simple Present tense.
Sea Animals
MemoryFind the animals and match the pictures.
Sea animals
Relacionar ColumnasListen and match the animals.
Daily Routines
Sopa de letrasFind the daily routines.
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters to write verbs.
Find the food
Sopa de letrasFind the food
Food - Writing
Relacionar ColumnasRead and match the foods
Food - Order the letters
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters to write the foods.
Listen and write the food
Daily routines (7 to 12)
Ordenar PalabrasDaily routines
Affirmative - Simple Present
Ordenar PalabrasLook at the pictures and order the sentences to describe them.
Affirmative sentences - Simple Present
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to make sentences
Identify the daily routine.
Sopa de letrasFind the feelings
Sea Animals - Listen
MemoryListen and find the cards
Seasons and weather
Sopa de letrasFind the seasons and weather.
Sea Animals
Froggy JumpsListen and choose the animal
Sea Animals pronunciation
Mapa InteractivoPractice your pronunciation
Listening - Verbs
TestListen and write the verbs
Verbs listening
Froggy JumpsListen and choose the verbs
Listen and match
Relacionar ColumnasListen
3rd person form of verbs
CrucigramaEscribe la forma en 3ra persona de los verbos dados
Pronouns QUIZ
TestTake a QUIZ to learn how much do you know about pronouns
Identify the structure of Simple Present forms - Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative
Simple Present Affirmative<
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the sentences
Verbs and pictures
MemoryMatch the pictures and words
Infinitive translations
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct translation
Verbs (Infinitive)
Sopa de letrasFind common verbs in english
School Subjects
Relacionar ColumnasMatching school subjects.
School Subjects
MemoryMatch the school subjects with the correct picture.
Numbers test
Numbers test 1 to 30
Relacionar ColumnasDo the maths and match the numbers
Clasiffy the numbers according to their ordinal equivalent
Relacionar GruposIdentify the ending of the ordinal numbers
Class Instructions
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the instructions
3rd Person Verbs
Sopa de letrasFind the words
3rd person rule
Completar frasesComplete the sentences
Understanding the third person rule.
3rd person rule
Relacionar GruposClasify the words according to their form in the 3rd person rule
Find the dates
Mapa InteractivoIdentify the dates and put the pin where it goes according to the description
Ordinal Numbers
Froggy JumpsOrder the numbers from LOWEST to HIGHEST (from 10th to 20th)
Months of the year
Sopa de letrasfind the months
Ordinal numbers 1 to 31
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the numbers with the words
Verbs meaning
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verbs with the pictures or words.
Sopa de letrasFind the verbs
Ordinal numbers 1 to 31
Froggy JumpsSpelling of ordinal numbers
Mapa InteractivoFind the dates
Days of the week CIRC
Ordenar LetrasOrder the words to write days
CrucigramaRead the descriptions and write the months
Days of the week CIRC
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters of the days of the week
Telling time CIRC
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the times with the description
Telling time - Conepts (CIRC)
Relacionar ColumnasTest your time-telling skills by matching concepts related to telling time in this fun game!
Numbers 1 to 100 circ
CrucigramaWrite the numbers
Numbers wordsearch 5th grade
Sopa de letrasFind the numbers
Numbers from 1 to 100 CIRC
Relacionar ColumnasReading numbers