Prepositions of place and time (at, in, on)
Completar frasesComplete each sentence with the correct preposition.
Things you wear
Relacionar ColumnasMatch descriptions to the right word
SWOT analysis
Video QuizThis is a short listening comprehension activity based on the description of a SWOT analysis
Ordinal numbers idioms
Relacionar ColumnasMatch each ordinal number idiom to the right definition
Ordinal numbers expressions
Completar frasesComplete the following expressions with an ordinal number:
Present Simple Quiz
TestChoose the correct answer
Describing people
CrucigramaFind the right word for every definition.
Word order in questions
Ordenar PalabrasForm questions by putting words in the right order.
Past Simple: Irregular verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasEscribir el verbo en pasado en forma correcta.
MemoryGroup matching pairs
Prepositions: in, at, on
Completar frasesClick the right words to complete the gaps.
Vocabulary: Depression
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the definitions
Vocabulary (Depression): Fill in the Blanks
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with key words related to depression in this vocabulary game.
Vocabulary: Jobs
Ruleta de PalabrasPasapalabra: Jobs vocabulary
Idioms about books
Completar frasesClick the right words to complete the gaps.
Alphabet - Word Dictation Practice (D)
Ruleta de PalabrasEscucha palabras que inician con cada letra del alfabeto siendo deletreadas, escríbelas en el espacio y presiona el botón comprobar. Listen to the spelling of words that start with each letter of ...
Vocabulary 'Work'
Ruleta de PalabrasRevise vocabulary