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The secret life of Shelly the Chef: summary
After reading the story, complete the summary with the missing words.
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The secret life of Shelly the Chef: vocabulary
Read and match the key words we worked with in the story.
Video Quiz
Vocabulary Quiz. Electr. Gadg.
Listen to the clues and say Which electronic gadget is it?
Video Quiz
Hello, everyone. My name's Ed
Watch this video of Ed introducing himself and answer some questions
Video Quiz
The TTLSN presentation
The children of the Tiger Time Learning Social Network are introducing themselves. Let's take a look.
Ruleta de Palabras
End of the year 2nd Grade
Tiger Time 2 - Macmillan - end of the year vocabulary activity
Mapa Interactivo
Meg's Birthday
Meg invited everyone to her birthday. Help her putting things in order.
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Match the school objects
Listen to the names and match with the correct picture.
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Present Simple and Continuous
Read the rules and say if they are true for present simple or continuous.
Video Quiz
The trapeze Artist
ESL activity. A story form the book "Young Explorers 2" for Oxford publisher.