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Greetings Match
Match different types of greetings with their meanings in this fun game!
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Verb "to be" Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct affirmative answers of the verb "to be" in different tenses.
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Rutina diarias & Household Chores Vocabulary
Cómo formar oraciones para decir rutinas diarias y tareas del hogar
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Irregular verbs
Review the irregular verbs - infinitive, past simple and past participle.
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Position Prepositions - Exercise # 1.
Fill in the gaps with the corresponding prepositions.
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Position Prepositions # 2.
So that you can exercise and retain the meaning of each preposition, we suggest you solve the following word search.
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Position Prepositions # 1
So that you can exercise and retain the meaning of each preposition, we suggest you solve the following alphabet soup.
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A series of bad lucky
La historia está llena de eventos desafortunados que afectan al protagonista.
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A series of bad luck -number 2
La historia está llena de eventos desafortunados que afectan al protagonista.
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A series of bad lucky
La historia está llena de eventos desafortunados que afectan al protagonista.
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Past simple - irregular verbs
Conversation in the past simple and look for hidden words in the word search.
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Past simple - regular verbs
Conversation using the past tense of regular verbs: find the hidden words in the word search.
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Simple present vs Present continuos
Read the statement and then choose the appropriate option to fill with the gaps with the correct word.