guess and estimate
fill in the blanks day 7
day 6 fill in the blanks
day 6 vocab
day 4 fill in the blanks.
day 4 fill in the blanks
vocab day 3
day 3 fill in the blanks
day 2 fill in the blanks
day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 vocab
day 1 fill in the blanks
day 1 vocab
pi stu
pi na
pictu of st
names of y students
operation names
irreg plu
verbs in present past and future
words with long i
operations names
fraction parts names
verb or noun
heart star oval
s or no s
verbns s no s
quot mark
an to my
vocab def
shapes names
numbers millions
fraction parts
words def
multiplication division addition subtraction
hundred thousand million billion
smaller than and greater than
vocab game
vocab definitions
circle triangle rectangle square
text vocab
grapes making steps
bread making steps
starry night
addition and subtraction
making sentences
word + ing and word + ed
empanada day vocab
week 5 vocab
chin thin chop sting shape sang
wasn't can't aren't hasn't
squeak scrub streak spread scrape
shepherd boy
plyal s
diagraphs week 5
common proer and collective noun definition
8 shapes
collective noun
common and proper noun
immigration definition
fraction simplification
2 d shapes names
square rectangle circle triangle
square rectangle triangle circle
numbers thousand million
definition of words with silent k and w and g
words with th sh ng each letter alone
words with sh th ng
soft g and c
plural s ss x
four types of sentences
one hundred and one thousand
numbers to 9000
triangles types
fraction numerator denominator
mul sub div
words with long e
writing about voting
writing about eagles
writing about lions
information about cats
writing about cats
meaning of words with long e