Match the English and Japanese words correctly
Froggy Jumps
New Horizon Elementary 5 Unit 4 ( Verbs 1 動作など1)
Match the English and Japanese words correctly
Ordenar Palabras
Sunshine English 3 Review Pro 1 to 3 (プログラム1~3の復習)
Put the words in correct grammar orders. (単語を正しくならびましょう。)
Froggy Jumps
Adjectives 形容詞 1
Choose the correct English word to match the meaning of the Japanese word. (日本語に合う英単語を選ぼう)
New Horizon (Country 国名)
Solve the crossword by filling the boxes with the correct country names.
Froggy Jumps
New Horizon Elementary 5 Unit 3 (Jobs 職業)
Match the English and Japanese words correctly
Days of the week (曜日)
Listen to the days in English and choose the correct Japanese word. (曜日を英語で聞いて、合う日本語を選んでください。)
Ordenar Palabras
New Horizon 6 Q&A (Unit 1 to Unit 3)
Put the words in correct orders (英単語は正しい順で並ぼう。)
Completar frases
Uppercase and lowercase Alphabet Letters
Match the Uppercase letters with the correct lowercase letters
Relacionar Columnas
Match Them Right 3
Match the uppercase letters and lowercase letters correctly. (M - S)
Relacionar Columnas
Match Them Right 2
Match the uppercase letters and lowercase letters correctly. (G - L)
Relacionar Columnas
Match Them Right
Match the uppercase letters and the lowercase letters correctly.