Body Parts
Mapa InteractivoLabel the body parts with their corresponding names
Relate it!
Relacionar GruposLet's relate the body parts within the face!
Guess it!!!
Ordenar LetrasTry to guess the correct letter order in a word!
Body Parts Game
Sopa de letrasLet's have fun looking up for the body parts on this word search activity.
Comparatives and Superlatives
Completar frasesFill in the blanks using the adjetives in the comparative or suoperlative forms. Let's try out
What's the weather like?
Sopa de letrasTry to look up as many word as possible!!!! let's see how fast you are!
What's the weather like?
Sopa de letrasTry to look up as many words of this wordsearch as you can! then use them to describe what's the weather like today!