
Sus juegos

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  • Test

    Choose the right answer/s and write it down if asked to do so.

  • Ordenar Letras
    Ordenar Letras

    Spell the word

    Listen to this word in the plural form and spell it correctly

  • Crucigrama

    Find the names of the birds and trees thanks tothe definition, their image and/or the way they sound in English.

  • Crucigrama

    The words in this crossword are mentioned in the trailer you have seen about "The Pillars of the Earth". Find them out as you read about their meaning.

  • Sopa de letras

    Find six words related to the world of cinema. They are all mentioned in this video.

  • Relacionar Grupos
    Relacionar Grupos

    Birds in English and Spanish

    Birds in La Rioja: Match both the English word and its Spanish equivalent./ Pájaros de La Rioja: Empareja las palabras en inglés con su correspondiente en español.

  • Dictado

    Listen to the names of some birds which you can find in La Rioja (Spain) and write down the words you hear.

  • Relacionar Grupos
    Relacionar Grupos

    Match the words

    Empareja las palabra en español con su correspondiente en inglés. Match both the English word and its Spanish equivalent.

  • Dictado

    Ejercicio para practicar en inglés los nombres de algunos árboles que hay en La Rioja

  • Test

    Answer the questions related to the video you have just watched.

  • Crucigrama

    Palabras del texto

    Escribe las palabras apropiadas al leer su definicion. Todas ellas están el texto de arriba.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Find the words they say

    There are some words from this dialogue hidden here and you must find them. The written article may help you.