Too or Enough? A1
Completar frasesClick on the correct answer!
Choose the correct reflexive pronoun!
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer to help the frog reach land!
Find the pair!
MemoryClick on the cards to pair the adjectives with the adverbs!
Past Perfect Simple!
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer to help the frog reach land!
Past Continuous
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer to help the frog reach land!
Easter Game!
Mapa InteractivoFind the words marked with the dots!
Conditionals A2
SÃ o NoDecide if the sentences are correct in terms of meaning and grammar!
Click on the correct answer!
Used to!
TestClick on the correct answer!
Can/Can't: unscramble the words to form sentences!
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words!
Yes or No? Read and choose!
Sà o NoTrain yourself to use must/mustn’t!
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer!
Present Simple A1
Completar frasesClick on the correct answer!
Have got!
Completar frasesClick on the correct on the correct answer!
Question Tags Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on question tags with this quiz game!
Countable/Uncountable A2
Froggy JumpsHoppy Froggy is ready for another round!
Present Perfect
Completar frasesFind the hidden words!
Froggy JumpsHoppy Froggy needs your help once again!
Comparative/Superlative A2
Completar frasesClick on the words to place them in the correct boxes!
Ordenar PalabrasPlace the words in the correct order to create sentences!
Relative pronouns
Froggy JumpsHelp Hoppy once again!
Conditionals (0-2)
MemoryClick on the cards and create sentences!
Will/Be going to
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pairs to create sentences!
Modal Verbs
Completar frasesClick on the modal verbs to place them in the correct box!
Used to!
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to create sentences!
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Froggy JumpsHelp Hoppy reach land!
Prepositions of movement
Sopa de letrasFind the hidden words!
Match the pairs!
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pairs to create sentences!
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Completar frasesFill in the Blanks game to practice the use of present simple and present continuous tenses.
There was/There were
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct word!
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters to reveal the word!
Was/Were Exercise
Completar frasesPractice using was/were in different contexts with this fill in the blanks exercise.
Help Hoppy Froggy reach land!
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer to help Froggy!
Unscramble the Exercise Words
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to reveal the sentence!
Relacionar ColumnasMatch and create sentences!
Prepositions of time and place!
Completar frasesFill in the gap using the correct preposition!
Help Hoppy Froggy reach land!
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer!
Present Simple!
MemoryClick on the boxes to match the sentences!
Past Simple
Ordenar PalabrasTap on the words to unscramble the sentences!
Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Completar frasesClick on the words to place them in the correct box!
Passive Form
Completar frasesClick on the words to place them in the correct box!
Ordenar PalabrasClick on the words and place them in the correct order!
TestChoose the correct answer!
In, On or At?
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer the help Froggie move!
Completar frasesClick on the correct word to fill in each gap!
Where is/are...?
MemoryClick on the cards to discover where the animals and items are!
This, That, These, Those!
Froggy JumpsClick on the correct answer to help Froggie move!
I have got...
DictadoListen and type!