Help froggy to cross the river with the correct answers of the articles
Choose the correct article for each noun.
Choose the most appropriate option in each case and conjugate the verb in parentheses as appropriate.
complete the sentences with future going to, be careful with the Capital letters.
Order the letters and learn the vocabulary of time expressions
Learn the past form of some verbs.
Look in the alphabet soup for the different connectors
Answer correctly with the corresponding connectors
Help Froggy to pass by selecting the correct answer
Write down the verbs you hear in the dictation
Identify the verbs and order the corresponding sentences
Match the corresponding numbers
Match the pictures with the corresponding numbers
Answers about the different occupations
Guess and know the different professions in an interactive way
Identify the parts of the body
Complete the text with the missing information
Find the different formal and informal greetings.
The Months of the Year will be very useful on different occasions. We will review what they are
This activity will help you learn the days of the week in an easy way
differents ocupations around the world