
Sus juegos

  • Froggy Jumps

    Test your knowledge of travel vocabulary with this fun quiz game!

  • Ordenar Palabras

    This game is designed to learn irregular verbs in English.

  • Completar frases

    Fill in the blanks.,

    Completar frases

    Fill in the blanks using the present simple form.

  • Froggy Jumps


  • Froggy Jumps

    Present Perfect

    Froggy Jumps

    Present perfect game for kids. Fill in the gaps activity

  • Froggy Jumps

    Mixed tenses review

    Froggy Jumps

    Present simple, present continuous, past simple and present perfect simple review for 4th and 5th primary students.

  • Froggy Jumps

    Test your knowledge of present simple sentences with this fun quiz game!

  • Video Quiz


    Video Quiz


  • Ruleta de Palabras

    Alphabet Wheel (D)

    Ruleta de Palabras

    Description of a word that starts which letter of the alphabet

  • Mapa Interactivo


    Mapa Interactivo

    Identify different FARM ANIMALS

  • Video Quiz


    Video Quiz

    Answer. What sport are they practicing?

  • Video Quiz


    Video Quiz


  • Mapa Interactivo


    Mapa Interactivo


  • Video Quiz


    Video Quiz

    Food and ingredients for pizza vocabulary

  • Ordenar Letras

    Where can we go shopping?

    Ordenar Letras

    Where can we go shopping? Vocabulary review

  • Test

    Repasa tus conocimientos sobre palabras polisémicas, adverbios de lugar, tiempo y modo y palabras con g y j en este cuestionario.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    Body parts

    Mapa Interactivo

    Digestive system, respiratory sistem, circulatory system and urinary / excretory system

  • Froggy Jumps

    Since, for, just

    Froggy Jumps

    Present perfect with since, for and just. Game for kids. ESL.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    The house

    Mapa Interactivo

    The house

  • Ordenar Letras

    What's a great day out? Vocabulary edition. Order the letters to form words.

  • Froggy Jumps

    Make suggestions

    Froggy Jumps

    What about...? Why don't we...? How about...? Let's...! + What's a great day out vocabulary

  • Ordenar Letras

    Order the words about kitchen vocabulary

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Have you ever...?

    Ordenar Palabras

    Have you ever...?+ What's a great day out

  • Mapa Interactivo

    European countries

    Mapa Interactivo

    European countries

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Body parts in English

    Relacionar Columnas

    This game is intended to learn vocabulary about the parts of the body for children in kindergarten.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    This game is intended for 3rd grade children who are learning the relief of Spain. Este juego está destinado a niños de 3º de primaria que están aprendiendo el relieve español.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    This game is designed for 3rd grade children who are learning about rivers. Este juego está diseñado para niños de 3º de primaria que estén aprendiendo los ríos.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    This game is designed to learn irregular verbs in English.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    The human body

    Mapa Interactivo

    This game is intended for children 0-6 years old who want children to learn the parts of the body in English but have not yet fully developed sufficient literacy skills.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    The numbers 1-20

    Mapa Interactivo

    This activity is intended for children ages 3-6 who are learning the numbers 1-20 in English. It allows them to match each number with a specific sound.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    The Alphabet

    Mapa Interactivo

    This activity is intended for children ages 3-6 who are learning the alphabet in English. It allows them to match each letter with a specific sound.

  • Mapa Interactivo

    Recognize wild animals

    Mapa Interactivo

    This activity, aimed at children from 0-6 years of age, aims at acquiring vocabulary about wild animals through listening. Students must select the animal reproduced in the audio.