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In, on, under.
The children have to spot the difference between these three prepositions.
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Complete the sentences.
The children have to complete the sentences depending on the indications.
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I can....
The children use the verb CAN to express the actions the animals are able to do.
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Animals and actions
The children have to complete the sentences with the adequate action.
The children have to see the difference between the meaning of LOVE, LIKE, DON'T LIKE and food procedence.
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Do you like...?
The children have to get familiar with the short answer Yes, I do/ No, I don't.
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Unscramble the letters.
The children have to put the letters in the right order to get a word related to food.
Members in a family.
The kids have to identify vocabulary related with the members in a family.
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Have you got...?
Have got questions in order to get the short answer: Yes, I have// No, I haven't.