What is my job?
AdivinanzaRead the clues and look at the picture to guess the job.
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to answer the questions.
MemoryLook at the pictures and find the match.
Days of the week
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the names of the days of the week.
AdivinanzaGuess the fruit by looking at the pictures.
Lesson 5: Food
MemoryLevel 1: Find the pairs of the meals. Level 2: Find the food that matches the sentence.
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the sentences. You have sentences, questions and asnwers.
AdivinanzaGuess the sports by looking at the picture.
Lesson 5: Food
CrucigramaLook at the pictures amd guess the name of the food.
Classroom objects
AdivinanzaListen to the audio and guess the word and use it with a full sentence. For example: It is a book / They are books.
Basic vocabulary
MemoryLevel 1: Match the word to the picture. Level 2: Match the audio to the picture.
Animals Vocabulary
AdivinanzaGuess the word associated with the animals we have learned in class.
Possesive Adjectives
Ordenar PalabrasAim to practice word structure using the possessive adjectives.
Relacionar ColumnasListen to the audios and match it with the correct number.
Parts of the Body
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and guess the correct part of the body.
Sopa de letrasFind the clothing item
Parts of the Body
Sopa de letrasFind the body parts.
Habits and Routines
Sopa de letrasFind the most common routines in this 3-level word search.
Food, Fruits and Veggies
Ordenar PalabrasListen to the audio and order the sentences talking about food.
Food and Drinks
MemoryFind the match of the dishes.
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and guess the correct vegetable.
Fruits and Veggies
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the fruit or vegetable according to what is asking.
Sopa de letrasFind the fruits.
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and guess the fruits.
Possessive Nouns: Make Examples
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the word and make examples using the noun.
Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the prepositions in English with their Spanish translation.
Family Members
Mapa InteractivoPractice with the family member vocabulary.
Professions and Jobs
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters to find the profession.
Superlative Adjectives
MemoryListen to the audios and look for the superlatives adjectives.
Comparative Adjectives
MemoryListen to the audios and find the comparative the person used.
Seasons of the year
Ruleta de PalabrasPractice the words related to the seasons of the year by guessing the word.
Seasons of the year: Words related
Sopa de letrasFind the words related to each season in the word search.
Commands in English
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and guess the order or command according to what you see in class.
Seasons of the year: Activities
Ordenar PalabrasLook at the picture and read the clue, guess the activity that happens in every season of the year.
MemoryFind the numbers.
Comparatives and Superlative Adjectives
Froggy JumpsAnswer correctly the questions and save Froggy!
Emotions and Feelings
CrucigramaGuess the emotions and feelings by looking at the picture.
Emotions and Feelings
MemorySearch the word of the feelings and emotions.
Traffic signs
MemoryFind the match.
Look at the pictures and choose the correct adjective to describe them.
Descriptive Adjectives
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the photo according to the adjective.
Asking for help
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the sentences asking for help.
Asking for help
Froggy JumpsAccording to the lesson, do the activity and practice with the expressions.
Animals Sounds
Sí o NoListen the audio and choose Yes if the animal matches the sound. Choose No if it doesn't.
Experiences people have done
MemoryListen to the audios and search for the written sentence.
Professions and jobs
MemoryReveal the profession according to the description and picture.
Basic verbs
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to make sentences.
Basic verbs
Froggy JumpsFill the blanks choosing the correct verb to save Froggy, we use the verbs: like, have, see, hear, know and feel.
MemoryPractice with hobbies.
Guess the letter
Completar frasesListen and choose the word you hear.
Guess the letter
Froggy JumpsListen and choose the letter you hear.
Parts of the house
Froggy JumpsPractice with the parts of the house in English.
MemoryPractice the days of the week!
Days of the week
Froggy JumpsPractice with the days of week. The last question is due to change from time to time.
Demonstrative Adjectives
Ordenar PalabrasGuess the correct demonstrative adjective: this, that, these or those!