Pass The Word 1 (D)
Ruleta de PalabrasListen to the clues and guess the words.
Lauren Kenealy on Steroids
Completar frasesLauren's ideas on steroids
Ruleta de Palabrasactions for physical education
Clase 3 LEFE I
Ruleta de PalabrasClase 3 LEFE I
Verbs about Thinking
Sopa de letrasverbs about thinking. A2.
Yoshi's everyday life (D)
Relacionar ColumnasHello everyone! Match the pictures with the everyday activities
Holiday Finder
Mapa InteractivoHoliday Finder
Ruleta de Palabrasequivalentes en español e inglés de términos comunes
the Weather Facts
Testfacts about the weather. Elementary Students.
the weather
Crucigramathe weather A2
Geographical features
Mapa Interactivogeographical features for Think 1 unit 9
Verbos en pasado
CrucigramaLEFE II - verbos en pasado
Getting to Know Me
Froggy Jumpspersonal questionsabout Miss Lu
Vocabulary (D)
Ruleta de PalabrasType of holidays ir holiday acommodation, describing Places
Teens 4 Word Building
Ruleta de PalabrasWord formation activity for elementary level.
LEFE I - Physical Education
Ruleta de PalabrasDar el equivalente en español de las palabras en inglés en las pistas.
Revision Mid Term
Ruleta de PalabrasRevision for Mid Term Exam B1 Preliminary entertainment at leisure jobs past tenses
Revision - First Mid Term
Ruleta de PalabrasRevision Mid Term B2 First Ways of, Phrasals and expresions Mystery Holidays Crime and criminals Contrast and Future linkers Modals for speculation Question tags
Second Cultural Workshop
Ruleta de PalabrasRevision of info about the cultural workshop to kick off the second one.
personal information
Relacionar Columnaspersonal information questions - elementary
personal information
Relacionar Gruposquestions to learn personal information from a person
Repaso Lengua Extranjera I
CrucigramaActividades para repasar conceptos de Lengua Extranjera I - Junio 2021.
Philomel Cottage
Ruleta de Palabrasa word wheel with vocabulary from Agatha Chirstie's short story.
Jobs and Professions
Ruleta de PalabrasJobs and Professions in English
Looking after yourself
Sopa de letrasQuiz about food and health
The Creature in the Closet
Sopa de letrasvocabulary form Preller's short story, The Creature in the Closet
Sopa de letrasverbs and equipment for games
Outsourced Symbols
Relacionar ColumnasSymbols in the film
CrucigramaCrucigrama con conceptos relacionados al coronavirus
Present simple vs Present cont
Crucigramawrite the missing words.